We got to talk to singer/songwriter Susannah Joffe and it went a little something like this...

How did you get your start in music? I grew up with music in the house because my Dad has been a songwriter ever since I can remember (a passion project of his if you will). I started co-writing with him when I was in highschool but it wasn’t until college that I felt confident enough to try writing on my own, which is why the success of “Backseat” was so exciting for me because it just affirmed that I could do this.
Where are you from/ has it influenced your music at all?
I’m from Austin, TX, and I think the singer-songwriter/indie rock sound that fills
the city definitely influences my sound because it’s what I grew up listening to.
What’s your favorite thing to do on a Saturday? I love making a nice meal with my girlfriend (though she really does the cooking) and going out to see a movie with friends or going out dancing :)
What artists influence your sound?
So, so many, mainly because I feel like each of my songs has a different sound. Right now, I’m working on my next EP, which is definitely inspired by a more soft-grunge, indie rock sound, such as Soccer Mommy, Beabadoobee, and Pom Pom Squad.

Do you have any pre show rituals? Honestly, I don’t! I just try to not freak out and stay in the moment as much as possible.
What is one album that changed your life? Immunity by Clairo. Always and forever will be one of the most meaningful albums I’ve ever come across.
Whats up next for you? I just got back from Nashville from recording a few more songs for my EP, and I couldn’t be more excited to share them.
Joffe's newest single 'The Punch' is a 2000s-esque, queer, pop punk breakup song is the final song of her upcoming EP which also consists of pre-released songs (“Backseat”, “My California” , “Halloween, “What Next Is About”) that have accumulated ober 500k streams across all DSPs in addition to self directed music videos for each single. Sonically , it was inspired by Olivia Rodrigo’s “good 4 u” and the recent revival of that sound. Lyrically, “the punch” marks Joffe’s final reconciliation with her first queer breakup, “revisiting different hurtful conversations and actions that tore that relationship apart,” she emphasized. “However, the song is more about the feeling that nobody is actually interested in real, authentic love, and is instead just chasing the high of a new relationship, or in my words, ‘the punch.’”